ReproConnect - Spamhaus incident impacts email delivery – Incident details

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Spamhaus incident impacts email delivery

Started almost 4 years agoLasted about 3 hours


Email delivery

Operational from 4:18 PM to 7:25 PM

  • Resolved
  • Monitoring

    We received multiple notifications from our customers that planroom email notifications were not being received earlier this morning. Upon investigation, it appears that Spamhaus suffered an issue that caused it to inaccurately report many legitimate emails as spam. Spamhaus' issue has been reported as resolved and we are monitoring.

    Spamhaus is a service that many commercial filters use to help identify spam emails. Even if your mail server doesn't use Spamhaus directly, it's quite possible that whatever spam filtering service you use still depends in part on Spamhaus and was impacted.

    We strongly encourage our customers to check the Control Center and/or FileRocket to ensure you haven't missed any important notification emails today. Reach out to with any questions.